The Role of AI In Fighting Problem Gambling

Steve Myatt
April 21, 2023

Problem gambling has become a big issue in our current world. According to the World Gambling statistics, nearly 26% of the world’s population gamble, meaning there are around 1.6 billion bettors across the globe. Another 4.2 billion people gamble at least once annually. 

This is why the gambling Industry is one of the top revenue-generating markets in the world. Still, the revenue is increasing every year.

Since the inception of AI, many duties that needed effort have been performed in the blink of an eye. It has been of help in many sectors of life and businesses. But can AI help fight problem gambling? Read on to get your questions answered.

Understanding Problem Gambling

Problem gambling is behavioural or addictive gambling that negatively impacts an individual’s life and family. When gambling, you risk something valuable, hoping for greater value. This may lead to excessive and uncontrolled gambling.

Some causes of problem gambling are:

  • Social influence from family members or friends who gamble uncontrollably.
  • Psychological factors such as mental health problems( e.g., anxiety and depression)
  • Personal factors such as financial problems. 

And by the way, individuals involved in excessive and uncontrollable gambling barely know its negative impact on their lives. It may affect even their loved ones. The negative consequences of problem gambling may be, developed debts and loss of property, poor psychological and physical health conditions, loss of employment, and relationship problems.

Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the computer-initiated ability to perform tasks that initially only humans would handle. The project involves programming systems with the intellectual ability to reason, discover and learn like humans. Although AI has been known to solve complex tasks with high speed and accuracy, it cannot match a human’s ability.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used in education, business, healthcare, etc. You may have heard of chatbots, and a good example is ChatGpt. It can answer any question you pose according to your formulated question.

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in addressing issues like problem gambling may be beneficial in many ways. One of the benefits is early detection and intervention. It can protect and prevent user harm and enable effective accessibility and affordability.

But wait…

What’s the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Problem Gambling Prevention?

Problem gambling has continued to rise despite the endless methods and approaches to fighting it. Some of the ways of addressing problem gambling are:

  • Therapy 
  • Talking to a person you trust
  • Joining self-help groups
  • Having alternatives that will help you relieve stress.

Those suffering from problem gambling behaviours can get assistance by using these methods. But excessive and uncontrolled gambling often results in addiction, making the situation more difficult. Therefore, these methods become limited. 

How so? Well, there’s the stigma part of it, lack of accessibility, and inaccuracy due to relying on self-reporting.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising how people address problem gambling, from early risk detection and personalised interventions. Casino operators may proactively safeguard vulnerable users, limit financial loss, and enable players to make informed decisions by automating procedures and utilising data-driven insights.

For example, sportsbooks can implement restrictions or self-exclusion mechanisms for players showing signs of problem gambling after losing many attempts. This promotes healthy gambling practices and prevents the risks associated with gambling addiction.

AI-powered tools like Rdentify may offer early professional advice, recommend deposit restrictions and cool-off periods, and identify changes in gaming behaviours. These may act as AI-based tools for responsible gambling.

Also, embedded customer support systems enable consistent application of responsible gambling guidelines while monitoring reports and dashboards. The latter helps measure the impact of interventions. 

Lastly, operators can reduce risks, comply with regulations, and create a conducive user environment by incorporating AI at the forefront of responsible gambling initiatives.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges

Image showing ethical issues of AI as far as problem gambling is concerned.

We can use Artificial Intelligence to fight problem gambling. However, we must address some issues to ensure AI’s responsible and ethical use.

  • Ethical concerns regarding players’ rights: AI could be used to design addictive slot machine games or biased casino games. Players prone to addictive behaviours can be targeted, potentially harming them.
  • Fairness and Transparency: Gambling operators need to ensure fair and transparent use of AI, including implementing policies and procedures to prevent using AI to get unfair advantages.
  • Preventing Unfair Outcomes: When AI systems interrogate an individual’s gambling patterns and change the game odds accordingly, there may be unfair outcomes. This is especially if the AI is prejudiced or its data does not represent the total player population.

Considering the ethical implications and challenges associated with using AI in the gambling industry is crucial. Players must be protected from potential harm by being educated and warned of the consequences of problem gambling. These actions can promote responsible gambling.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, problem gambling continues to be a major factor in our society. It has led to individuals having unhealthy relationships, physical and mental health, and finances.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to help fight problem gambling. It can help in early detection and intervention, personalized interventions, and responsible gambling initiatives. However, we must address ethical concerns such as fairness and transparency in gambling. Casino operators must ensure that players’ rights are safeguarded.

So, can AI help fight problem gambling? The answer is yes, it can. But this doesn’t mean AI is flawless. There may be some instances where human intervention is needed. 

By leveraging the power of AI while considering the ethical implications, operators can create a safer gaming environment for their customers. Consequently, this will prevent the risks associated with problem gambling.

Last updated on May 16th, 2023 at 06:27 am

Author Steve Myatt

Steve is the founder of Gamblers Cafe. He came up with the idea in 2022 and has been providing insights found herein. Having been in the gambling industry for over 5 years, he uses this opportunity to make the industry safe by assessing casinos and recommending the best ones.